Benefit Coverage

Beginning July 2026, each person who is eligible to receive the full WA Cares Fund benefit can access long-term care services and supports costing up to $36,500 (adjusted annually up to inflation).  

You choose the care you need


WA Cares can help you pay for care in your home or in a residential care setting. It's your choice. Here are some of the common situations the benefit will cover:

paid caregiver

Pay a family member to provide care

You can hire a home care aide or pay a qualified family member (including a spouse) to provide care. Learn more about paid family caregivers.


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Get food delivered or transportation

You can pay for meal delivery services so that you can get nutritious food right to your door or transportation to medical appointments. 



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Make your home safe and accessible

You can pay for home modifications (like installing grab bars) so you can get around better, or purchase a home safety evaluation to prevent avoidable falls. 


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Pay for a lift chair, bath bench, and more

You can purchase assistive equipment or technology that help you function in your home and in the community.

the services washingtonians need

Explore covered services

Professional caregiver

In-home caregivers

Care providers who can help you with personal care and household chores in your home

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Residential care

Care provided in an adult family home, assisted living, nursing home or other facility

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Home accessibility

Home safety evaluations, wheelchair ramps, widening doorways, installing grab bars, and more

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Meal delivery

Nutritious meals or prescription nutrition delivered to your home

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Rides & transportation

Scheduled rides to and from appointments or grocery shopping

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Equipment & assistive devices

Bath chair, personal emergency response systems, communication devices, and more

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Care supplies

Adult briefs for incontinence, personal hygiene aids, wound care products, and more

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Caregiver support services & training

Education & training, respite care, care coordination, and more

Many people with cognitive impairment, like problems with memory and decision making, struggle to complete activities of daily living alone. They may need supervision like someone monitoring what they’re doing or cueing them to start an activity. If a person needs supervision to complete an activity of daily living, it will count as one of the three activities of daily living they must need help with to access benefits.  

how far does the benefit go?


With your WA Cares benefit, you’ll have up to $36,500 (adjusted annually up to inflation) to spend on covered services. (Learn more about benefit amounts, based on years of contributions.) But how much does that really cover? For about a third of people, this amount could cover all the care they need in a lifetime. For everyone else, it will provide immediate relief from long-term care costs without the need to spend down their savings, as well as time to plan for any future needs. For people with private long-term care insurance, WA Cares can help cover the benefit waiting period.


Please note: These scenarios are just examples (created in 2022) and do not guarantee the cost of any services, which may vary based on your area and other factors.


Enable a family member to become your paid caregiver

If you have a family member who helps you out on a regular basis, they may qualify to become your paid caregiver. They can also get the training and support they need.
Example services (prices are estimates only)
Paying a family caregiver (10 hours/week for 2 years) $31,300
Care supplies (2 years of incontinence supplies)) $2,200
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Make your home accessible to stay independent longer

You can use your benefit to make your home ADA accessible, purchase a new wheelchair or scooter, and get meals delivered if cooking is no longer an option.
Example services (prices are estimates only)
Home safety renovation $15,000
Electric wheelchair or scooter $2,600
Weekly meal delivery (7 meals/week for 3 years) $9,200
Professional caregiver

Get temporary support and services after an accident

You can get services based on a sudden need, such as after an accident or recovering from surgery. This could include a short-term caregiver, or other helpful services.
Example services (prices are estimates only)
Part-time caregiver (20 hours/week for 1 year) $31,300
Transportation to appointments (for 1 year) $3,200
Crutches $50