የፕሮግራም ዜና እና ዌብናሮች

የቅርብ ጊዜውን የ WA Cares Fund ፕሮግራም ዝመናዎችን፣ ማስታወቂያዎችን እና መጪ ዌብናሮችን ያግኙ። ሙሉውን ወርሃዊ የዌቢናር ተከታታዮቻችንን ይመልከቱ።

WA Cares Basics: What Workers Need to Know

እሮብ, ጥር 15, 2025 11:00እኔ - 12:00ከሰዓት
ለዌቢናር ይመዝገቡ
የቀጥታ መግለጫ ጽሑፎች እና የASL ትርጓሜ ይገኛሉ።
This webinar will be recorded.

Learn more about what long term care includes, how caregiving responsibilities impact families and the workplace, who contributes to the fund, how exemptions work, how workers will meet contribution requirements (including a pathway for near retirees) and more.

ተወያዮች፡- Kristen Maki, WA Cares Fund Community Relations & Outreach Program Manager

WA Cares Conversations: Mental and Emotional Health While Aging

እሮብ, የካቲት 5, 2025 10:00እኔ - 11:00እኔ
ለዌቢናር ይመዝገቡ
የቀጥታ መግለጫ ጽሑፎች እና የASL ትርጓሜ ይገኛሉ።
This webinar will be recorded.

የፕሮግራም ዜና

የ 5 ገጽ @የአሁኑ_ገጽ

የማህበረሰብ መሣሪያዎችን እየፈለጉ ነው?


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