Resources for New Family Caregivers

About 820,000 Washingtonians provide care to a loved one. Learn about Washington state’s free resources for family caregivers and how the WA Cares Fund can help.
Many of us provide care for others out of both necessity and love and do so without thinking twice. If you're helping a loved one with daily tasks like grocery shopping, managing medications, or driving to appointments, you're providing valuable caregiving support. This role isn't limited to family members – friends, neighbors, and even coworkers can be caregivers, offering essential help that maintains someone's independence and quality of life.
Family caregivers often experience personal, professional, and financial setbacks. Whether that's paying for care costs out of pocket, leaving the workforce or experiencing health impacts from stress, caregivers need support too. Washington state offers numerous resources to help family caregivers.
- Community Living Connections serves as your designated entry point for accessing caregiving resources. These offices can help you connect with local resources, locate paid or unpaid caregivers, access free education and training and more. Find resources online or call 1-855-567-0252 toll-free to get connected.
Washington's Area Agencies on Aging offer additional comprehensive support services through their 13 local offices throughout the state, including elder rights protection and advocacy, nutrition programs like home-delivered meals, transportation assistance, home modification programs and more.
The Family Caregiver Support Program is a service available to unpaid caregivers of adults. They can help you find caregiver support groups and counseling, get training on specific caregiving topics, get respite care if you need a break, talk through specific issues you are having, offer practical information and caregiving suggestions and more.
Once WA Cares benefits become available in July 2026, if your loved one is receiving WA Cares benefits, you will have access to a range of services and supports. WA Cares will help families in whatever way works best for them, including paid family caregivers, respite care, training and other services. Benefits can be used for a wide range of other services as well. If you have a family member who helps you out regularly, you may be able to make them your paid caregiver, which can help relieve some of the financial burden of caregiving.
Access additional educational and mental health resources for family caregivers on our website or watch the replay of our November WA Cares Conversations: Resources for New Family Caregivers webinar.