Wararka Barnaamijka & Webinars

Hel cusboonaysiinta barnaamijka Sanduuqa Daryeelka WA ugu dambeeyay, ogeysiisyada iyo faahfaahinta webinarada soo socda. Eeg taxaneheenna webinar bille ah oo dhammaystiran.

WA Cares Conversations: Emergency Preparedness for Seniors

Talaado, Abriil 8, 2025 1:00galabnimo - 2:00galabnimo
Iska diwaangeli webinar
Qoraalo toos ah iyo tafsiir ASL ayaa diyaar noqon doona.
This webinar will be recorded.

We will discuss what family caregivers can ask their loved ones’ facilities about, how to build an emergency kit, types of emergencies and how to plan, and how to prepare your loved ones living at home. We will also discuss what family caregivers need to know about how long-term care facilities plan for emergencies. Finally, we will provide an overview of the WA Cares Fund and how it can help.

Guddiyeyaal: Hollie Stark, Disaster Preparedness Outreach Manager, Washington Emergency Management Division | Serena Segura, Emergency Management & Risk Officer, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services - ALTSA | Richard Freed, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services - RCS | Sebastian Cahe, Outreach and Language Access Lead, WA Cares

WA Cares Conversations: Seniors and The Housing Crisis

Khamiis, May 1, 2025 11:30waxaan ahay - 12:30galabnimo
Iska diwaangeli webinar
Qoraalo toos ah iyo tafsiir ASL ayaa diyaar noqon doona.
This webinar will be recorded.

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