toolkits & resources

These toolkit materials are intended for employers, business and professional organizations, community groups and anyone who wants to communicate about the WA Cares Fund.

Resources for employers

Calendar & recommendations


Use this calendar for key dates, suggestions for communicating about WA Cares and recommendations for how to use the toolkit.

Paycheck insert


Include this printable insert with physical paychecks or share it electronically with employees.



Frequently asked questions


Use this resource to answer the most common questions people have about WA Cares.



Long content


More in-depth content that can be used for all staff emails, mailing list updates or blog posts. 


Download the PDF document below available in multiple languages.


Subscribe to the employer newsletter

Sign up to receive the Employment Security Department’s (ESD) monthly update for employers with information and resources on WA Cares, Paid Leave and Unemployment Insurance.

Resources for community & professional organizations

Social media content


Use this content to post about WA Cares on social media or include it in newsletters or wellness updates.



Social media graphics


Pair these images with the sample social media content above or use them with any other written toolkit materials. Download the images as a .zip file below.

Written care stories


Use these stories from Washingtonians about long-term care and caregiving to help illustrate the types of services WA Cares will provide.



Designed materials

Fact sheet


Use this one-page fact sheet to provide any audience with basic information on the WA Cares Fund. Employers can give it to new workers in information packets on benefits and community organizations can share it at events. 






Put this poster with a program summary and contact information up in break rooms, offices and community locations. 





Share this infographic with a visual overview of program basics on social media or in newsletters.



Webinars & presentations

Informational webinars


WA Cares staff regularly host webinars on the program and related topics. Check out the webinar schedule, where you learn about our upcoming webinars, watch previous webinar recordings or download webinar slides. 



Request a presentation


Interested in a presentation on WA Cares for your staff, HR professionals, managers, professional/community organization, or other group? Fill out our speaker request form and we will get back to you as soon as we can with our staff’s availability.