Helping You Cover Your Tomorrows
The WA Cares Fund ensures all working Washingtonians can earn access to long-term care when they need it.

7 in 10 of us will need long-term care
Most of us will need help to live independently at some point in our lives. For some, this will be temporary after an accident or illness. For others, the need will strike late in life. In both cases, this is known as long-term care. Learn more about what long-term care is and how to plan for it.
How WA Cares Can Help
WA Cares Fund gives you flexibility to choose whatever combination of covered services and supports best meets your care needs. Most people will choose benefits that enable them to remain in their own home. Learn more about benefit coverage.
About the WA Cares Fund
WA Cares Fund is the result of years of research on how to make care accessible for all workers in Washington. As a public long-term care insurance program, WA Cares guarantees coverage for all workers regardless of pre-existing conditions. Washington is the first state in the nation to create an affordable way for the broad middle class to access long-term care without having to spend down their life savings.
WA Cares Fund is managed by Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, in collaboration with Washington State Health Care Authority and the Employment Security Department.
Learn more about the history and structure of the WA Cares Fund.

How the Fund Works
See details about how it works, including contributions, eligibility, and applying for benefits