
¡Únase a nuestro equipo para crear el primer programa universal de atención a largo plazo del país!

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Puede encontrar todos los trabajos de WA Cares Fund publicados en la agencia estatal donde se encuentra el trabajo. Varias agencias estatales tienen responsabilidades para desarrollar e implementar WA Cares Fund, incluido el Departamento de Servicios Sociales y de Salud y el Departamento de Seguridad del Empleo .


Todas las solicitudes deben enviarse a través del .



posiciones abiertas actualmente

Provider Policy and Network Development Program Manager

Closes Marzo 31, 2025

In this role, you will serve as a vital member of the WA Cares Fund and the unit’s designated subject matter expert for WA Cares Fund Provider Network collaboration with the Health Care Authority’s ProviderOne system and functionality, as well as policy development to build an adequate provider network to serve WA Cares beneficiaries.

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Specialty Contract Manager

Closes Marzo 31, 2025

You will have the opportunity to oversee essential provider contracts, ensure compliance, and contribute to equitable and impactful care solutions statewide. You will use your creativity, collaborative mindset, and legal expertise in contract writing to influence policies, implement monitoring processes, and elevate program integrity. This role has statewide scope and will utilize a hybrid telework schedule within the state of WA.

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Provider Network Navigators

Closes Marzo 26, 2025

We are hiring for three vacancies! A hybrid telework schedule is available for one role in Eastern Washington and two roles in Southwest Washington/Coastal counties.

Some of what you will do: 

  • Provider Outreach and Contracting: Create, implement & execute outreach and recruiting strategies across multiple platforms, communities and languages.
  • Develop culturally appropriate outreach materials and strategies for community partners & tribal providers.
  • Training and Development: Delivering and collaborating in the development of training in various formats. conduct train-the-trainer sessions to equip providers with the skills and knowledge they need to function within the WA Cares program.
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